Friday, July 04, 2008

We've Officially "Lost It"

Lately, I've been too exhausted to even think about publishing a new post on my blog. The girls are doing great and yes, I will post pictures again someday, but momma and daddy are going a little crazy with a cranky newborn and an "I think I'm independant, but not so much" toddler. Well, yesterday, something happened that is truely worth blogging about.

Lucy was crying, Clara was clingy, momma needed a quick fix to amuse Clara while I fed Lucy. I went through the kids menu of "On Demand" and found "Booh Bah". I've posted a link to this show in the post so those who are fortunate enough to be unfamiliar with this show can have a peek (for those who have seen it before, I hope I don't cause any nightmares). From what I can tell in the two times I have seen this show, the premise is this... 5 colorful blobs float down from outerspace to entertain us with a creepy little dance. It's really disturbing!

Now that you have a little Booh Bah background, return to yesterday. Frazled momma watching disturbing children's programing, hoping for a little peace. This time, the dance was a little different. After the Booh Bah roll call, the Booh Bah's moved into formation and proceeded with their little dance... step, step, lift leg and.... wait for it.... FART! I screamed out with laughter! After 2 minutes of this dance I had to put Lucy down because I was rolling on the floor laughing with tears streaming down my face. I think Clara thought I was having a seizure because she was standing beside me with concern, repeating, "Momma? Momma? Momma?".

Later, when the girls were sleeping and it was just Michael and I for the evening, did we turn on a nice relaxing, or romantic show? No, I had to replay the Booh Bah episode for him. I was so worried that it would be one of those "you had to be there moments" but he laughed just as hard as I did. I guess I'm not so crazy, or maybe, we both are! (btw - I just did an internet search to find a video of this actual episode "pull the rope". Aparently, I'm not the only person disturbed by these aliens we are suppose to expose our children too, and I'm not the only person who thinks they have gas!)


Krista said...

I remember stumbling upon that show a few times... it was really really wierd, and it creeped me out the way it turned my kids into zombies! However, I can totally picture the boo bah dance with the added toots, and your post made me crack up. Thanks for the laugh, Toni!

Shelli said...

Funny post, Toe. I am a little glad that my kids are the wrong age for this show to ever appear on my t.v. However, we did have to deal with Tellytubbies for a little while. Thanks for the laugh!

Karen said...

Very funny! I laughed so hard that I tooted and then did a dance!

jharmon said...

I have done everything possible to keep this show from karter! So crazy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on two of them Toni, I was just clearing off an old computer before giving it the heave and saw some old emails, did some googling to find your site.